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About The Artist;

painting pets that capture your heart...

Pictured above: Rita with her horse Atlantis (Atlas)

Rita Rauscher is a self- taught artist living in Kitchener, Ontario. Growing up near a farm helped develop her love of horses and by the time she was twelve, riding became a passion in her life. Rescued dogs and cats were introduced into Rita's home by her parents. Her father gave her an appreciation of birds and nature in general. Many a cold winter day, she would be sent out to restock the bird feeder.

Time at the stables watching foals, plus nature walks viewing foxes, rabbits, squirrels, hawks, sparrows etc. have given her an intimate knowledge of her subjects. This tradition to identify, care for and love animals have continued to this day.

Presently, she has two cats, one horse -Atlas (pictured) and numerous ducks under her care. Rita had worked in the family business but detoured some years ago. Painting and the arts was always a passion in her life. She has visited many art exhibits over the world from Toronto, Madrid, and Paris. She is inspired by artists such as Terry Isaac, Carl Benders and Lesley Harrison. However, the best training has come from observing and enjoying the outdoors. She started off by drawing pets belonging to family and friends. Working with pastels is when Rita found her true life's passion. Rita finds capturing realism and bringing it to life in a painting inspirational.

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